Professional Plumber, HVAC Repair Services in San Diego

Price Range: From $1,000 to $500,000

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Services Provided By K and R Properties

✔ Available 24 hours a day to handle tenant emergencies.

✔ Provide professional repair services as needed.

✔ Collect the rent and pay you quickly, or efficiently handle the legal issues associated with eviction.

✔ Market your property effectively to minimize time between tenants.

✔ Screen tenants through multiple sources so you get a tenant who can pay the rent on time and will be with you a long time.

✔ Use proven lease agreements to protect your interests and those of your tenants.

✔ Maintain registered escrow accounts as required by law.

✔ We have a powerful computer program that will give you the reports you require to track your investments.

✔ Provide the excellent service needed to give you PEACE OF MIND!

✔ Whether you have one, fifty or one hundred investment properties, K and R Properties will deliver the same efficient, courteous service.